National association of school and college clerks
Launching the NASCC Membership
Our Story
The Founders of National Association of School and College Clerks (NASCC), Fee Stagg and Sharon Warmington are professional Clerks with decades of experience in governance across all sectors. Our idea of NASCC was formed over a well-deserved coffee, in a conference that we felt was somehow not fulfilling the needs of Clerks in the education sector.
NASCC’s first offering was the Interim Report on Clerks Pay and Conditions which was not only eye-opening but disheartening to hear the many stories of being undervalued and underpaid, for the many unsociable hours Clerks work. Our next offering was the launch of the Clerks Chronicle, a regular newsletter that always keeps Clerks at the forefront and not as a ‘silent extra’ in the governance space.
Our third offering was to bring you all together (or as many as possible) at the beginning of the new academic year, in a half-day Clerks Conference. This focussed on getting you ready for the year ahead; as well as including some professional development (no different to a staff INSET Day really).
Finally, we are here, with a brand new website and membership offer. The benefits are endless and the focus is us - Everything (where possible/practicable) is provided by professional Clerks with the sole purpose of serving professional Clerks. Please note, whilst we refer to ‘Clerks’, we are also including and serving Governance Professionals, so if we miss anything you need to do your job - just get in touch and we’ll do our best to provide it for you.
Members will have access to...
Why Join?
There are an estimated 10,000 Clerks and Governance Professionals across the UK and we encourage EVERY one of you to join NASCC, not just for the benefits listed but for the assurance that you are not alone. As a NASCC Member you will be able to add it to your CV/Profile and use our collective voice to change our profession for the better. NASCC is represented on the DfE’s Advisory Group on Governance and therefore your voice - our voice - is heard, loud and clear.

At last Clerks and Governance Professionals have a professional organisation they can join without having to sit an exam or reach a certain level. It’s well known that membership of a respected organisation is perceived as a positive by existing and future employers/clients. Your membership of NASCC will undoubtedly send the message that you are serious about your profession, and you are willing to put your money where your mouth is (especially if you are funding the cost yourself).
The NASCC Awards are coming and receiving one of these awards will support your growth. These awards are important because they shine a light on outstanding work that should be showcased but might otherwise have remained undiscovered.

National Conversations
NASCC is a Member of the DfE’s Advisory Group on Governance (AGOG) so we have a national voice and are part of the governance conversation at a strategic/government level. Simply put, this means your voice is our voice and we represent you as Clerks and Governance Professionals ensuring that your voice is heard especially when it comes to legislative and governance changes that impact our role and responsibilities.
getting paid your worth
Although we can’t promise your existing clients or employers will pay you more, we can guarantee that you’ll increase your confidence in not settling for less. With many Clerks and Governance Professionals being paid below an acceptable rate, NASCC membership and our mentoring/coaching support sessions will assist you in taking the necessary steps to have the conversations needed to stop trading your time for money and instead be paid for the value and assurance you bring to each and every governance situation.

Our Team
We’re a small team that has a passion for the profession, and our time running NASCC is in addition to continuing to work as professionals in our respective areas...we have minutes to do too!
Education Governance Solutions Ltd is the owner of the NASCC brand and through this company we contract with contributors for content on our website, and Onevma Ltd who are responsible for our website design and managing our membership database. If you would like to contribute to our website, please do get in touch.
Our Guide to Joining
Contact Us
For enquiries, please use the contact form below.
National Association of School and College Clerks (NASCC) is a brand of Education Governance Solutions (EGS) Limited.
United Kingdom